Welcome to Moreytown

Mobile Game

Claw your way to the top of Moreytown, a furry slum for human-animal hybrids. Will you take down the gangs who rule the town, or take them over instead?

Release date

Android: May 5, 2017

iOS: May 5, 2017



Claw your way to the top of Moreytown, a furry slum for human-animal hybrids. Will you take down the gangs who rule the town, or take them over instead? You’re a moreau: a genetically engineered human-animal hybrid, a remnant of mankind’s last war. Surviving life in a Moreytown hasn't been easy, but now, someone is out to kill you and your fellow "moreys"—unexplained fires, explosions, and the gangs swirling around the neighborhood add up to big trouble. It's up to you to save your pelt, and maybe take over town. Play as one of thirteen different species, including tiger, capybara, bear, or wolf. Infiltrate a sinister cult, or ally yourself with a gang of moreys. Choose a side and let the fur fly!


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