Infinity Nikki

Mobile Game

Infinity Nikki is the fifth installment in the beloved Nikki series developed by Infold Games. This cozy open-world game is filled with lovely little wonders to collect. Utilizing the UE5 engine, this multi-platform game offers platforming, puzzle-solving, dress-up and many other gameplay elements to create a unique and rich experience. In this game, Nikki and Momo embark on a new adventure to travel across the fantastical nations of Miraland, each with its own unique culture and environment. Players will encounter many characters and whimsical creatures while collecting stunning outfits of various styles. Some of these outfits possess magical abilities that are crucial for exploration.

Release date

Android: December 5, 2024

iOS: December 5, 2024




In this game, Nikki and Momo embark on a new adventure to travel across the fantastical nations of Miraland, each with its own unique culture and environment. Players will encounter many characters and whimsical creatures while collecting stunning outfits of various styles. Some of these outfits possess magical abilities that are crucial for exploration.


Game screenshotGame screenshotGame screenshotGame screenshot

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