Mobile Game
Dab On Darkness is a cozy, short, non-linear visual novel where you learn real world, practical tactics to deal with those nasty thoughts you would rather not have. Make the correct decision as your inner negativity manifests into a cute anime girl, lest you despair into the darkness...
Android: July 11, 2020
iOS: June 16, 2020
The darkness inside of you has manifested right before your very eyes! For once in your life, you get a much needed break, usually you have trouble getting out of bed and struggle with intrusive thoughts from your past that haunt you to this day, however, thanks to a rather pleasant dream you get a rush of positivity and a eager outlook on the day! Unfortunately for you, the negative emotions that feed on you don't like this at all. Not taking any chances, it decides to manifest itself into a physical form and attempts to have you submit to them. Will you fall to the darkness or rise through it? Indeed, the strongest enemies we face are often an extension of ourselves, to overcome this adversary, you will have to... DAB ON DARKNESS!