Alter Ego

Mobile Game

Here's a chance to replay your life again and again, each time with a different personality. This time around, you can be a wealthy entrepreneur who will do anything to get ahead. Or take on the life of a broke, but happy poet. Or fulfill your dream of being the most popular person in your high school with a date book filled up for the next five years. In Alter Ego, you create the character you want to be--your "alter ego"--and then live out your alter ego's life from birth through old age. So be a kid again, get back at those snobs from high school, do all those things Mom and Dad wouldn't let you do or go back and marry that long-lost love you let get away. With Alter Ego, you play the game of life.

Release date

Android: April 13, 2011

iOS: September 21, 2009



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