
Mobile Game

Are you bored of the same old novels? Are you interested in interactive story games, visual novel, choice based storyline, and indie games, but you're tired of the same old? Try our Adventure Game, a Mysterious Novel where choices do matter! We are offering our free interactive storytelling game named ‘7Days: Mystery Visual Novel, Adventure Game’. All our stories, mysterious novels are written by diligently selected authors.

Release date

Android: July 2, 2016

iOS: July 2, 2016




A number of dead spirits have been assigned to an interactive fiction test. Successfully completing the interactive story test ensures they will be resurrected. The messenger of death has assigned them each a task. They must attack one another or work together to solve mystery and complete their tasks. Your character, Kirell, must also complete the choice based games task she has been assigned. But her tasks requires her to be the decision maker for others die.


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