3D Pinball Space Attack

Mobile Game

3D Pinball Space Attack is a pinball game for the iPhone and iPad. TLK Games 3D Pinball Space Attack machine looks and reacts like a real bar machine with fantastic ballistics effects and realistic sounds. This table is a complete game with great graphic works, full sound effects, music and decor and its own rules. It offers a challenge to all levels of players. Real connoisseurs will enjoy it most. The high-tech ballistics is faultless, real 3D Real Time. The table can be adjusted for best visual comfort and you even may shake the table to a tilt. After a few minutes of games, you are immerged in the atmosphere of a Tin Pan Alley bar on a classy space attack pinball machine, fingers studded on the flipper commands, ready to fire to save the ball and reach a million Bonus.

Release date

Android: May 13, 2010

iOS: May 13, 2010




Game screenshotGame screenshot

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